Monday, January 21, 2008

Chinese lanterns

"Run For Your Life"

A raffle quilt of WWII nose art

Mommy, is that quilt for me?????

"Muy Caliente!!" made for my friend, Jan, for her 60th. That's Jan!

Tea towels from a Baltic cruise!

A raffle quilt that I made. The images are all of WWII nose art on vintage aircraft.

A simple baby quilt

"Snow People"

Frosty - a flannel quilt. Great for cuddling up with a kitty!

This one is strictly to snooze under!

A "bull's eye" quilt

This one is called "Fandango"

A baby quilt that I made for a nephew.

A West Point memory quilt

The Secret Lives of Cats

A West Point memory quilt for my husband.

Some of you asked to see a few of my quilts and Instinct suggested that I start a blog. Thank you, Instinct! Now if I can just figure out how to manage this site!!!!